BWP 1/2024

Artificial intelligence

Coverbild: BWP 1/2024

The debate surrounding the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence has gained momentum. The questions arising from the perspective of vocational education and training are which areas of potential AI-based technologies can offer for occupational learning and how these technologies can be used in a responsible and reflective way. The articles in this issue explore how AI-based technologies are deployed at the various learning venues, examine which experiences and research findings are in place with regard to their effectiveness, and determine which impetuses they may provide for the further development of learning processes. An additional focus is how AI itself can be made an object of learning in order to raise the awareness of both teachers and learners for a conscious and thoughtful approach.


Special Focus

Claudia de Witt

Artificial intelligence in vocational education and training

Technological developments, areas of didactic potential and necessary ethical standards

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Katja Buntins; Insa Reichow; Faisal Rashid

A typology for analysis of the deployment of AI methods in vocational education and training

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Christina Bader; Sandra Zellhahn

Using ChatGPT – a turning point for vocational schools?

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Christian Gerhards; Myriam Baum

Use of artificial intelligence by companies in Germany

Prevalence and enabling factors

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Karin Julia Rott; Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha

Implementing AI in vocational education and training – needs and requirements of trainees and teaching staff

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Yvonne M. Hemmler; Dirk Ifenthaler

Adaptive learning environments for continuing training – possibilities, opportunities and challenges

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Sylvia Kullmann; Katrin Kaufmann-Kuchta

Innovative assistance systems to support the search for and selection of continuing vocational training provision

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Andreas Fischer; Sabrina Lorenz; Christopher Pabst

Recommendations on continuing training

Development of an AI-based decision management tool

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Christina Hanck; Sabrina Lorenz; Christopher Pabst

Overcoming language barriers

Text optimisation for inclusive vocational examinations using AI

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From research and practice

Sabine Mohr; Margit Ebbinghaus

Role reversal in apprentices recruiting

Which firms search applicant profiles in a targeted way?

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Timo Schnepf; Marco Seegers

The “Occupations and Competency Radar”

A new dataset and online data portal for vocational education and training research and practice

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Marina Winkler

Continuing training mentoring at the company

Collegial and low-threshold advice on an equal basis

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Christian Hollmann

The German-Swiss Agreement on the Equivalence of Vocational Qualifications

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Verena Schneider

Four modernised occupations in environmental technology

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Profile of an occupation – hydraulic technician

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The Board of BIBB

Report on the Board Meeting held on 13 December 2023

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