BWP 5/2017

Career in the company

Coverbild: BWP 5/2017

Societal and technological change is shortening the half-life period of knowledge and competencies. At the same time, working lifetimes are becoming longer. How can companies support and foster the further professional and personal development of their employees? This issue of BWP looks at the career opportunities available to skilled workers with vocational qualifications and focuses in particular on models and concepts in SMEs.



Pursuing the strategic further development of research in the area of policy making and practice and creating international networks

Interview with BIBB’s new Head of Research Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl

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Vocational education and training in figures

Marius R. Busemeyer

Education or social policy?

Political priorities as reflected by public opinion

Special Focus

Lutz Bellmann; Ute Leber

Continuing training at SMEs – how are opportunities for employee participation developing?

Myriam Baum; Felix Lukowski

Train existing employees or recruit new staff?

Strategies adopted by German SMEs to meet technological change

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Regina Flake; Michael Zibrowius

What companies value about skilled workers with advanced VET qualifications and how they can support them

Christine Fournier; Marion Lambert; Isabelle Marion-Vernoux

The work process – the central factor in company-based learning

Uwe Elsholz; Ariane Neu; Roman Jaich

Status and future of initial and advanced vocational education and training profiles

Changes that have taken place in the wake of academisation from the perspective of companies

Anke Bahl; Margit Ebbinghaus; Thomai Gruber

Should companies retain workers or let them go? Changes to the traditional career model in the restaurant trade

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Bernd Weiterer; Stephan Dietrich; Eva-Maria Soja

A career begins with good training

External training management supports SMEs in the search for and development of young skilled workers

Marcel Randermann; Thanh Thuy Nguyen; Roland Jochem

Support for continuing training management in SMEs

A quality science-based approach

Claudia Grusemann-Schmidt; Frauke Ruhardt

A company fosters the development of its young skilled workers

The »Young Professional Programme« at Evonik

Other Themes

Christoph Junggeburth

Special leave to remain in Germany for immigrants pursuing training

An instrument that is creating an area of conflict between educational policy and Aliens Law

Thomas Freiling; Saskia Gagern; Till Mischler

Effective support in making the progression to the world of work – vocational orientation for parents too?


Maria Zöller

Training in nursing

Further structural and content developments as a result of the Law for Reform of the Nursing Professions

Julia Jörgens; Christian Srbeny; Maria Zöller

Specialist practitioner training programmes in practice

Initial findings regarding awareness and experiences from the point of view of companies