BWP 5/2016

Guidance – pathways in vocational education and training

Coverbild: BWP 5/2016

Globally, very few young people are opting for VET. The preference is for academic education and training courses or training on the job. What role might guidance on education, training and careers have to play in highlighting the opportunities and prospects offered by initial and continuing VET, and in paving the way for this?


Vocational education and training in figures

Christian Ebner; Sandra Horn

Open and closed occupations in Germany – what is the significance of formal professional and vocational qualifications?

Special Focus

Lifelong Access to Career Guidance – a Key to Lifelong Learning

Interview with Professor Tony Watts

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Helmut Zelloth

A new guidance era for vocational education and training?

Assessments of developments from an international perspective

Raimo Vuorinen

Lifelong learning – lifelong guidance, approaches in Finland

Deeneaus Polk

Developing the VET Perspective of Students

Outcomes of the Pathways2Possibilities Expo in Mississippi

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Ruedi Grimm; Walter Stein

Vocational orientation at first hand

Peer guidance in the Swiss project "rent-a-stift"

Klaus Dorwarth

“Unternehmen Deutsch”

Schools and companies in Italy form learning partnerships

Florian Kreutzer

Guide My W@y! –A European career guidance concept for international youth mobility

Christiane Eberhardt; Silvia Annen

Information and support within the scope of qualified migration to Australia

Norbert Lachmayr; Iris Gugenberger

Better targeting of persons who are unlikely to participate in continuing training

Findings from a current study in Lower Austria

Other Themes

Birgit Thomann

The revised UNESCO Recommendation on Technical and Vocational Education and Training is of interest to all of us!

Gustav Reier

Modernisation of traditional apprentice training in Afghanistan

Jürg Schweri; Annina Eymann

Qualifications mismatch – consequences for workers with vocational and academic qualifications

Sabine Prüstel; Bodo Rödel

20 years of literature documentation on vocational education and training


Sara-Julia Blöchle; Herbert Tutschner

Two or three-year training in security occupations

Results of an evaluation of the training occupations of protection and safety service staff and protection and safety specialist.

Katrin Gutschow; Julia Jörgens

Validation of non-formal and informal learning

BIBB project elicits expert assessment of possible scenarios