BWP 4/2021

Gender and occupations

Coverbild: BWP 4/2021

Young men and women do not make the same decisions and choices regarding education, training and occupation. These gender-related differences in decision-making are perpetuated in subsequent employment histories and in the employment system. The articles in this issue of BWP attempt to explain why the differences occur as well as examine associated consequences for aspects such as professional success and the structure of occupations. A further question arises. Which measures are suitable in order for countering gender-segregating tendencies in education and training and in employment?


Special Focus

Sigrid Nikutta

“The quota is nothing else but a target for companies – and the target is to become better”

Interview with Dr. Sigrid Nikutta, CEO of DB Cargo AG and Group Board Member of Deutsche Bahn AG with responsibility for freight transport

Corinna Kleinert; Kathrin Leuze

Occupations and gender – does occupational structure reproduce gender inequalities on the German labour market?

Stephan Kroll

Men and women amongst themselves

Gender-specific developments in dual male and female occupations and differences during training

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Helmut Dornmayr; Marlis Riepl

Young women in technical apprenticeship occupations

The significance of childhood activities for occupational choice

Stephanie Conein; Heike Krämer; Inga Schad-Dankwart

STEM occupations are different – just like women

Why general concepts to increase women's interest in STEM occupations are not sufficient

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Selma Tabak-Balks

Young women conquer technical occupations

girlsatec ambassadors as a key pillar of the project

Birgit Buschmann; Jasmin Luft-Broschell; Wenka Wentzel

Firing girls’ enthusiasm for IT and digitalisation

Girls’ Digital Camps in Baden-Württemberg

Barbara Scholand; Marc Thielen

Men in care occupations – is caring masculinity a prospect?

Anja Hall; Ana Santiago Vela

Are all “female-dominated occupations” poorly paid?

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Marco Seegers

Education extends working life

Gender-specific effects of education at the transition to retirement

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From research and practice

Andreas Diettrich

Pedagogical qualification of company-based training staff

Impetuses from the Bavarian pilot seminars of the 1970s viewed from today’s perspective

Markus Linten; Paula Rauß genannt Kaiser

Researching specialist information on vocational education and training

Knowing how and where to find what you need


Rebekka Lieb; Petra Marpe

Training concepts for modern timber house construction

Profile of an occupation – specialist in market and social research

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