BWP 4/2016

Matching Problems

Coverbild: BWP 4/2016

Matching problems have been increasingly apparent since 2014 and change the relationship between supply and demand on the training market. What are the consequences of this, on the one hand for the recruitment of new and specialist personnel and on the other for young people searching for training places? The background and consequences of these changes are the main focus of this BWP issue.


Vocational education and training in figures

Ursula Beicht

Young people from a migrant background – chances on the training market

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Special Focus

Mismatch between supply and demand – where do the challenges lie?

Statements by Elke Hannack (DGB) [German Confederation of Trade Unions] and Peter Clever (BDA) [Association of German Employer Associations]

Bettina Milde; Stephanie Matthes

Matching problems on the training market – developments in the year 2015

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Joachim Gerd Ulrich

Occupational characteristics and their significance for the recruitment problems in company-based training provision

Helmut Dornmayr

Mismatch on the Austrian training market– background and consequences

David Glauser; Rolf Becker; Fabienne Zwahlen

Matching problems at the transition to post-compulsory educational courses

Longitudinal data on the situation in German-speaking Switzerland

Kerstin Fink; Katharina Michel; Florian Kainz

Mismatch on the training market in the local government district of Erding

An analysis of the requirements and expectations of companies and young people

Frank Neises

Matching problems – promoting training and providing flexible support within the regulated system

Katrin Sünderhauf

Competing for young skilled workers

Innovative recruitment strategies at Deutsche Bahn

Anna Bergmair

Training young refugees – a project undertaken by the Swabian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Carolin Kunert

Analyses of potential – to what amount is requirements-oriented alignment permitted?

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Other Themes

Bodo Rödel

Sport in vocational education and training – a teaching subject or a leisure activity?

Johanna Mölls

Evaluation of the Vocational Training Act – latest status


Markus Bretschneider; Daniel Schreiber

Development of competence-oriented training regulations

Initial experiences with the implementation of Board Recommendation 160 taking the occupation of roller shutter and sunshade mechatronics technician as an example

Martin Elsner; Johanna Telieps

Commercial career concept in the craft trades is rebalanced

The Board of BIBB

Gunther Spillner

Report on the Board Meeting 2/2016 held in Bonn on 21 June 2016