BWP 2/2016

Research data from the BIBB

Coverbild: BWP 2/2016

In addition to the role it plays in preparing both the Report on Vocational Education and Training and the vocational education and training statistics, the BIBB makes a major contribution to vocational education and training research as a result of its varied research activities. This BWP issue provides an insight into the extensive data sets which are analysed and evaluated by the BIBB, and which are made available to external researchers through the research data centre. At the same time, it explains the answers this data is able to provide to current questions within vocational education and training.


Vocational education and training in figures

Normann Müller; Felix Wenzelmann; Anika Jansen

Financing of vocational education and training in Germany

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Special Focus

Excellent research needs excellent data

Interview with Professor Regina T. Riphahn, Chair of the German Data Forum

Holger Alda; Anett Friedrich; Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt

BIBB research data

Supply, processing and use of data via the BIBB Research Data Centre

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Christian Ebner

Occupationally specific inequalities on the labour market

Empirical findings on the basis of the 2012 Employee Survey conducted by BIBB and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BIBB/BAuA Employee Survey)

Michael Tiemann

Routine at work

An investigation into routine work contents on the basis of employee surveys since 1979

Christian Imdorf; Kristinn Hegna; Verena Eberhard

Gender segregation in the educational system – what role is played by vocational education and training?

Klaus Troltsch

Polarisation in employment and training?

Analyses of the consequences of technological change on the basis of the BIBB Training Panel

Harald Pfeifer; Felix Wenzelmann; Stefan C. Wolter

Cost differences in company-based training in Germany and Switzerland

Comparative analyses of causes and implications

Other Themes

Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt; Alexandra Uhly

Vocational Education and Training Statistics as a data resource – possible uses for research

Tanja Tschöpe; Agnes Dietzen; Moana Monnier

Modelling and measurement of social competences – approaches from vocational education and training research

Elisabeth M. Krekel; Bettina Milde

Indicators-based vocational education and training reporting in Germany – the foundations for policy advice

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Robert Helmrich; Peter Bott; Ingrid Leppelmeier

Qualifications development research taking Germany’s energy transition as an example