Placing a recognised value on experience

Interview with Professor Dr. Peter Dehnbostel on the opportunities and conditions of a national validation system

Coverbild: Placing a recognised value on experience
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 5/2014 (43)
Seite(n) 6-10

From recent findings on the validation of non-formal and informal learning at European level, it is clear that the EU Council Recommendation of 20 December 2012 is demonstrably influencing the structuring of national strategies and framework conditions. Against this backdrop, how can the situation in Germany be assessed? In the interview, Prof. Dr. Peter Dehnbostel elaborates the role played by non-formal and informal learning in vocational education and training and in the world of work. He describes how these findings can be incorporated into the development of a national validation system, so that the advantages of validation are recognised by individuals, companies and educational establishments, and validation concepts are implemented on this level.

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