BWP 5/2014

Validation of learning outcomes

Coverbild: BWP 5/2014

Competences that people have acquired in different learning contexts in the course of life are taking on more importance alongside the certificates gained from formal education and training. The European Commission has called upon the EU Member States to introduce, by 2018, national strategies for the validation of non-formal and informal competences. Against this background, the latest issue of BWP (Vocational Training in Research and Practice) provides a survey of current progress and looks at the requirements of such procedures. The articles reflect insights both from research and from the implementation of validation concepts in practice. Experience gained in other European countries is also covered.


Vocational education and training in figures

Friederike Behringer; Gudrun Schönfeld

Lifelong learning in Germany – which forms of learning do working people use?

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Special Focus

Placing a recognised value on experience

Interview with Professor Dr. Peter Dehnbostel on the opportunities and conditions of a national validation system

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Markus Bretschneider; Silvia Annen

The process of validation of non-formal and informal learning

Tighter definitions of concepts and the status of the German-speaking debate

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Ernesto Villalba-Garcia; Manuel Souto-Otero; Ilona Murphy

The 2014 European Inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning

Prospects and trends on validation in Europe

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Norbert Lachmayr; Roland Löffler

The validation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes in Austria

Status of the debate and examples of good practice

Markus Maurer; Emil Wettstein

Vocational education for adults in Switzerland – the significance of informally acquired competences

Jean-Luc Bernaud

Report on the VAE in France: Progress and improvement measures

Daniel Schreiber; Carolin Böse; Anna Cristin Lewalder

The role of formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes in the Recognition Act

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Eckhard Heidling; Stephanie Porschen-Hueck; Judith Neumer

Interaction-based assessment of competences acquired within the work process

Jens Fahrion

Recognition of older employees’ informal competences

The example of the firm Fahrion Engineering GmbH & Co. KG

Other Themes

Katharina Hähn; Sybille Stöbe-Blossey

Vocational schools in the regional education landscape

Potentials for diverse educational provision


Magret Reymers

Modernisation of training regulations for Certified Industrial Supervisors Specialising in Plastics and Rubbers

Greater integration of the advanced vocational qualification with the initial vocational training occupation

The German National Qualifications Framework (DQR) in practice

Ekkehard Nuissl

Non-formal learning in the German national qualifications framework (DQR)

Level-assignment procedures and level-assignment problems

The Board of BIBB

Gunther Spillner

Report on meeting 2/2014 of the Board of BIBB held on 26 June 2014 in Bonn