Belt and braces – the new fallback option in the updated BBiG

Coverbild: Belt and braces – the new fallback option in the updated BBiG
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 3/2023 (52)
Seite(n) 33-34
Lizenz German Copyright Act

One of the objectives of updating the Vocational Training Act (BBiG) was to strengthen permeability in vocational education and training. Credit transfer for periods of training or for examination outcomes previously achieved has an important role to play in this regard. Trainees who have not passed their final examination in a programme of VET staggered over three or three and a half years are able to apply for recognition of a vocational qualification in a two-year training occupation. This article uses the examples of cook and kitchen specialist to describe how these new regulations have been implemented for the first time in the hotel, hospitality and kitchen occupations, which were updated in 2022.

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