From basic vocational training to university-level education and training

The Federal Vocational Baccalaureate’s contribution to permeability in Switzerland

Coverbild: BWP 1/2023
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 1/2023 (52)
Seite(n) 39-43

Since 1993, it has been possible to combine three-year and four-year basic VET leading to the Federal VET Diploma (EFZ) with the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (BM). Some of the aims of the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate are to increase permeability between basic vocational training and higher education, to ensure the ability to study at a university of applied sciences, and to help combat the skilled worker shortage. This article examines to which extent the BM is achieving these goals and also looks at the obstacles in practice.