BWP 1/2023


Coverbild: BWP 1/2023

Although equivalence between vocational and higher education is a pressing policy endeavour, the objective remains unachieved in reality. More young people than ever are opting to embark upon higher education courses since they believe these will open up better employment prospects. The recognition hurdles at the transition from vocational education and training to university-level education indicate the lack of permeability between the two sub-systems. Differences in the way in which qualifications are utilised are apparent on the labour market too.
This issue of BWP looks at the multi-layered nature of the topic. It identifies reasons for persisting differences and illustrates possible ways in which these can be overcome.


Special Focus

“We need to tackle ingrained injustices if we wish to achieve equivalence”

Interview with Karl-Josef Laumann, Minister of Labour of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Friedrich Hubert Esser

More equivalence is essential!

A plea for the juridification of the German Qualifications Framework

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Article in German

Gerhard Bosch

The value of vocational work and training

Theses relating to a creeping loss of prestige and prospects for long-term uplift

Andreas Kuhn; Jürg Schweri

Labour market success in terms of a comparison between vocational and general educational qualifications

This article is only available in German

Michael Tiemann; Stefan Udelhofen; Lisa Fournier

Esteem, equivalence and valuation of essential occupations

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Christian Ebner; Sabine Krüger; Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt

Material and symbolic value of occupations with different requirements levels

An empirical analysis for Germany

Andreas Zopff

Permeability between academic and vocational training taking trade and technical schools as an example

Sigrid Bednarz; Stephanie Martens; Nina-Madeleine Peitz

Advanced vocational training – equivalent alternatives to a higher education qualification

Initial findings from the InnoVET innovation competition

Miriam Hänni; Jörg Neumann; Ines Trede

From basic vocational training to university-level education and training

The Federal Vocational Baccalaureate’s contribution to permeability in Switzerland

From research and practice

Lea Bartsch; Janika Grunau; Lena Sachse

Part-time training in nursing – target groups and organisational questions

Securing a supply of skilled workers – forward-looking training, societal participation and integration via VET

Interview with Professor Silvia Annen and Professor Karl-Heinz Gerholz ahead of the 22nd University Conference on Vocational Education and Training


Verena Schneider; Henrik Schwarz; Gunther Spillner

VET at higher levels – an attractive option for professional careers?

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Miriam Peters; Johanna Telieps

Alignment of qualifications in the nursing professions to the German Qualifications Framework

Profile of an occupation: Information technology specialist

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The Board of BIBB

Thomas Vollmer

Report on the Board Meeting held on 14 December 2022