BWP 2/2019

Routes into occupations

Coverbild: BWP 2/2019

The labour market in Germany is organised on the basis of the principle of the regulated occupation, and great significance is still accorded to vocational qualifications. But how successful are young people in entering working life after completing initial training? And –including in comparison to an academic qualification – what prospects do initial and advanced vocational education and training offer for future working life? This issue of BWP presents research results, company concepts and information on education and training provision.


Vocational education and training in figures

Ralf Dorau; Robert Herter-Eschweiler

Entry to the labour market after completion of qualification

How does integration into working life succeed?

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Special Focus

Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt; Christian Ebner

What role does personality play?

First results on occupational differences and wages from a recent BIBB survey

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Roland Löffler

Progression to work

Destination of apprentices in Vienna after training

Tobias Maier; Stefanie Steeg

Dual higher education study or advanced training – what increases the chances of career advancement?

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Alexandra Mergener

Routes out of tertiary education into the French labour market

How successful is the labour market entry and subsequent destination of holders of a “licence professionelle” bachelor’s qualification?

Duncan Roth

Frequency and structure of changes of occupation in Germany

Anja Hall; Ana Santiago Vela

Training occupation and current occupation – on professional and qualification matches

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Ute Clement

Work and employment of migrants in Germany

Dagmar Greskamp; Michael Bien

The route into work for disabled young people

What support is necessary?

Petra Hübner

Short routes in skilled worker training

Moving into work via second chance training in the SANQ Network

Other Themes

Silvia Annen

Labour market integration of foreign skilled workers in Canada and Germany

Comparative findings from the healthcare sector

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Johanna Telieps

When specialisms fail to provide sufficient differentiation

Can a signal box dispatcher and a train driver be said to be performing the same occupation?