Strategies for the training of persons who have become distanced from education from a provider point of view

Coverbild: Strategies for the training of persons who have become distanced from education from a provider point of view
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 1/2018 (47)
Seite(n) 25-29

Educational inequalities continue within the area of lifelong learning. In order to use continuing education as a vehicle for increasing the employment opportunities of educationally disadvantaged persons and to tap into the areas of potential they offer, the focus needs to be on overcoming various obstacles. The 2015 Continuing Training Monitor (wbmonitor) collected assessments from continuing education and training providers as to how participation by educationally disadvantaged persons may be raised. The present article uses these evaluations as a basis for providing impetuses for strategies which promise to deliver success in this regard.

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