BWP 2/2015


Coverbild: BWP 2/2015

The theme of inclusion prompts contentious discussion across all sectors of education. How can access be provided to high-quality education for all people in accordance with their learning needs and their individual backgrounds and abilities? The latest issue of BWP (Vocational Training in Research and Practice) looks into what requirements the inclusion concept imposes upon vocational education and training, what opportunities it harbours, and what changes are needed so as to bring about equality of participation in, and by means of, vocational education and training.


Vocational education and training in figures

Anja Hall

Change of occupation after training – 18 to 24-year old’s with dual vocational education and training in working life

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Special Focus

“For inclusion to succeed, communication and constructive collaboration at all levels are called for”

Interview with Klaus Hebborn

Ursula Bylinski

Routes to inclusive vocational education and training

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Marlise Kammermann; Ursula Scharnhorst; Lars Balzer

The two-year basic vocational educational programmes in Switzerland: What is their inclusion potential?

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Benjamin Krautschat; Michael Trinko

The initial vocational training guarantee – a route to inclusion in vocational education and training?

Ralf Nuglisch

More chances of participation – assisted training as an instrument for the fostering of inclusive vocational education and training

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Barbara Koch

Inclusive teaching as a development task for vocational education and training

Didactic principles and opportunities of cooperative learning

Poldi Kuhl; Aleksander Kocaj

In which settings do children with special educational needs learn better?

A comparison of the school attainment of children at special and primary schools

Ursula Krings; Gisela Westhoff

Vocational training-oriented literacy

An innovative strategy for dealing with diversity and heterogeneity in vocational education and training

Kirsten Vollmer

Disadvantage compensation for disabled people in dual initial vocational training

Anne Görgen-Engels; Torsten Schneider

Inclusion – a thematic focus in the European Erasmus+ education programme

Other Themes

Holle Grünert; Christina Buchwald

Support provision for long-term unemployed youngsters on their way into the primary labour market

Experience from an integration project in Dresden and Meißen

Jessica Blings; Herbert Rüb

A recognised vocational qualification via the external candidates’ examination

Experience from the Bremen pilot project for second-chance qualification for the unemployed without vocational certificates.

Hubert Lorenz

Refugees in the building trade: Integration through participation

Qualifications Framework

Irmgard Frank

Assignment of “Fachpraktiker” (skilled practitioner) qualifications to the German national qualifications framework (DQR)