BWP 1/2014

Vocational Orientation

Coverbild: BWP 1/2014

Vocational orientation is aimed at supporting young people in identifying their own strengths and interests and developing career perspectives, with a view to easing their transition from school into work. But which forms of guidance and support do young people want during this phase, and do existing forms of provision offer the right kind of help?In this issue, inconsistencies and open questions are held up for scrutiny. Conceptual considerations are addressed from the viewpoint of developmental psychology and attention is directed to research findings on young people's information-gathering and research strategies, among other topics. In addition, some reflections are offered on potential analysis, one of the key instruments in vocational orientation, and on its effectiveness.


Vocational education and training in figures

Stephanie Matthes; Joachim Gerd Ulrich

Growing problems in matching supply and demand in the training place market

Special Focus

“We must provide young people with a broad spectrum of options for vocational development”

Interview with Professor Dr. Klaus Hurrelmann

Karin Büchter; Gerhard Christe

Vocational orientation: inconsistencies and open questions

Bärbel Kracke

The vocational orientation process from the viewpoint of developmental psychology

Andreas Krewerth; Verena Eberhard; Julia Gei

Orientation in the vocational training jungle

What draws young people’s attention to training occupations and training places?

Bettina Kohlrausch; Meike Baas; Heike Solga

Better chances in the training market by supporting vocational orientation?

Findings from the evaluation of Federal Employment Agency projects in Lower Saxony

Carolin Kunert

Potential analysis in the BMBF’s vocational orientation programme

Principles and challenges

Anja Schmid-Thomae

Girls’ Day: opportunities and pitfalls of a vocational orientation project for girls

Barbara Marzodko

Supporting disadvantaged young people at a prevocational training centre

Other Themes

Irmgard Frank

Concepts for certification-oriented second-chance training for young adults

Read full article (English)

Till Mischler

Dropping out or finding a new direction?

Early dissolution of training contracts in the skilled crafts sector


Martin Elsner; Franz Kaiser

Three into one: the new training occupation of Office Management Clerk

The German National Qualifications Framework (DQR) in practice

Harry Neß

SME competence book

An instrument, compatible with the German national qualifications framework, to foster company-based promotion of individual competence development.

The Board of BIBB

Gunther Spillner

Report on the 3/2013 meeting of the Board of BIBB on 12 December 2013 in Bonn