BWP 4/2024

Education for democratic citizenship

Coverbild: BWP 4/2024

The strengthening of populist and extremist movements is posing a threat to open society. Decisive action needs to be taken to combat a lack of respect for diversity and attacks on differently minded people and on democratic institutions. What contribution can vocational education and training make in this regard?
VET is characterised by a high degree of heterogeneity of learners. Both at the transition from school to the world of work and within the work process, there are numerous opportunities to impart learning on the principles of democracy and on the associated values of societal co-existence. This is an area where VET has a particular task, especially in respect of the socialisation of young people. But how can it live up to this? Which impetuses can VET learning venues give in terms of providing experiential spaces in which democracy can be embraced?
The main focus of this issue of BWP is on the concept of education for democratic citizenship, on the related learning objectives and contents for VET, and on the question of how this concept can be implemented didactically.


Special Focus

"We should seize the opportunity to reach 1.3 million young people!"

Interview with Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of BIBB

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Robin Busse; Alexander Brodsky; Philine Krebs

Education for democratic citizenship – what contribution can vocational education and training make?

Hermann Veith

Democratic competence and the fostering of democracy skills in vocational education and training

Harald Hantke; Franziska Wittau; Bettina Zurstrassen

Democratic competence as an employability skill

Monika Hackel

Can education for democratic citizenship be a task for company-based training?

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Vivien Klatt; Sophia Fresen

Right-wing extremism in the world of work – challenges and action options

Marisa Hartmann

Countering racism and right-wing extremism in the world of work

The Democratic Competence for Companies Initiative

Isabel Dittmann; Hanno Gieseke

Demokratie erLeben – a module-based workshop concept

Andrea Wisotzki

#GetInvolved – analysing and developing participation structures in the company

A self-monitoring instrument

Klaudia Tietze

Democratic competences – awareness raising and training of training staff

Valentin Dander

Civic media education as contemporary education for democratic citizenship

Ute Hippach-Schneider; Janine Grobe-Rath

The perspective of apprentices in the monitoring of vocational education and training policy

A comparative analysis of Denmark, Germany and Switzerland

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From research and practice

Uwe Ritthammer

Hands-on mobile training – gamification for a hybrid future

David Samray; Alexander Schur

Continuing vocational training provision in the topic area of hydrogen

Results of a survey of continuing training providers


Florian Winkler

New pathways in IT advanced vocational training – adaptations and implications for the IT continuing VET system

Profile of an occupation – custom tailor

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