Growing up in a pandemic – challenges to young people’s transition to independence and everyday practices

Coverbild: Growing up in a pandemic – challenges to young people’s transition to independence and everyday practices
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 2/2023 (52)
Seite(n) 08-12

Adolescence is characterised by more than merely completing stages of training that lead to a career choice decision and transition into employment; it is also marked by processes of transition to independence in other areas. The last three years have been heavily affected by the pandemic and its associated societal measures, and this has had a particular impact on young peoples’ opportunities to develop and shape their futures. The AID:A survey conducted by the German Youth Institute (DJI) and a qualitative study entitled “Future-related uncertainty of young people at the transition from school to work in times of coronavirus” both aim to illustrate the specific effects this situation is having on this already tumultuous phase of life.