Successful study outcomes and drop-out tendency of trainee teachers in light of the stresses experienced during the coronavirus pandemic

Coverbild: BWP 2/2021
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 2/2021 (50)
Seite(n) 37-41

The current challenges emerging as a result of the coronavirus pandemic are affecting many areas of social and economic life, and the education system is not the least of these. The impacts for schools and pupils are a particular focus of attention here. While the implications for institutes of higher education and for students may be a less prominent object of discussion, they are still a central aspect. The relocation of teaching and learning from an analogue to a digital environment can be expected to lead to greater stress levels for students. The article uses an online survey of student teachers as a basis for investigating whether the higher perceived level of stress that is assumed is also associated with changed expectations regarding successful study, in particular with an increased drop-out intention.