Same same but different – what regions have to do with training preferences and opportunities and why this does not apply to everyone

Coverbild: Same same but different - What regions have to do with training aspirations and opportunities, and why this does not apply to everyone
Issue/Year (Volume) 3/2024 (53)
Page(s) 24-28
License German Copyright Act

This article looks at the correlation between region and training. It highlights that not all characteristics of a region are equally important when it comes to explaining what influences the training preferences and opportunities of young people. On the other hand, it also points out that regional characteristics are not equally important for all young people and that the impact of such characteristics varies depending on sociodemographic circumstances or personal attributes. The aim of the article is to raise awareness amongst researchers and practitioners of this selective significance of regional characteristics for training preferences and opportunities with a view to using target group-specific (advisory) services to meet the challenges on the training market.