“We need more openness in order to integrate young companies into the training system”
Interview with Kerstin Josupeit-Metzner, Head of the Berlin-based project “Cooperative Guidance Services for Dual VET”
BWP citation style
: “We need more openness in order to integrate young companies into the training system”. Interview with Kerstin Josupeit-Metzner, Head of the Berlin-based project “Cooperative Guidance Services for Dual VET”. In: BWP 53 (2024) 3, S. 18-21. URL: https://www.bwp-zeitschrift.de/dienst/publikationen/en/19856
APA citation style
BIBB, B. (Hrsg.) (2024). “We need more openness in order to integrate young companies into the training system”: Interview with Kerstin Josupeit-Metzner, Head of the Berlin-based project “Cooperative Guidance Services for Dual VET”. Bonn: Franz Steiner Verlag