BWP 5/2019

Flexibilisation of vocational education and training

Coverbild: BWP 5/2019

The main target groups for vocational education and training are becoming ever more heterogeneous. Trainees’ curricula vitae and their expectations of professional life are growing increasingly diverse, whilst the demands of work and employment are changing at an accelerated rate. Will the VET system be able to take account of these shifting dynamics? This issue of BWP directs its attention to the system to ask how much flexibility a highly standardised area such as VET is able to tolerate and what degree of flexibility it must facilitate. It looks closely at points of access in initial and continuing VET as well as focusing on the content and curricular level and the time factors involved. The main emphases are on structural considerations and on presenting examples and experiences from practice.


Vocational education and training in figures

Helmut Dornmayr

Apprenticeship extension in Austria

Special Focus

Alexandra Bläsche; Detlef Buschfeld; Elke Hannack; Hans Jürgen Metternich

50 years of the BBiG – a legal framework with sufficient leeway?

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Petra Frehe-Halliwell; H.-Hugo Kremer

Designing training modules in dualised training preparation in a way that is conducive to development

Delivering flexibilisation at the level of the individual training programme

Ursula Scharnhorst; Marlise Kammermann

Preliminary integration apprenticeships – flexibilisation of access to vocational education and training for refugees in Switzerland

Claudia Hofmann; Kurt Häfeli; Xenia Müller

Achieving the objective via circuitous routes?

Training entry by young people in Switzerland who have completed two-year basic vocational training leading to the Swiss Federal VET Certificate

Josephine Jahn; Elke Wambach

Time flexibility in second-chance training

Experiences from five years of the Cologne Education and Training Model (KöBi)

Carolin Ruppert

Partial qualifications – achieving a vocational qualification on a step-by-step basis

Anna Keller; Antje Barabasch

Flexibility in training design – a core element of the innovative learning culture at Swisscom

Martin Frieden; Lars Balzer; Rolf Marti

Learning in a flexible and requirements-oriented way

Information technology training at the gibb Vocational School in Bern

Stephanie Conein; Gert Zinke

Vocational education and training (VET) and digitalisation – options for the flexible adaptation of training occupations

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Barbara Hemkes

Vocational education and training provision for higher education drop-outs

Other Themes

Anke Settelmeyer; Gesa Münchhausen

Occupational integration of young refugees requires language support from the outset

Sylvia Pflüger; Ursula Schukraft

Extending the duration of training in order to provide integrated language support

Experiences from the oikos training scheme in the housekeeping sector

Andreas Fischer; Iris Pfeiffer

Access to upgrading training after a bachelor’s degree?

A document analysis of advanced training regulations


Heike Krämer

Advanced training regulations for the media sector have been updated