Teachers and school directors conduct research into the occupational field of professional nursing

Experiences and selected results from the KraniCH research project

Coverbild: BWP 6/2018
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 6/2018 (47)
Seite(n) 16-20

In order to develop an internal school curriculum for the generalist nursing training that will enter into force from 2020 onwards, school directors and teachers need to gain an insight into the occupational field of professional nursing. The KraniCH research project (the title being a German acronym for “Hanover competence-oriented curriculum offering connectivity”) takes professional practice as its starting point and actively involves the school-based stakeholders as co-researchers.
This article describes and explains the project design, reports and reflects upon the experiences of the co-researchers, and outlines the initial results to emerge from the occupational field analysis.