Occupational field analysis as a foundation for didactic considerations in nursing training

Coverbild: Occupational field analysis as a foundation for didactic considerations in nursing training
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 2/2024 (53)
Seite(n) 44-47
Lizenz German Copyright Act

The curricular principle of situation orientation has been robustly deployed for the first time in the design of the new skeleton and federal state curricula for nursing training. Teaching staff are now being called upon to structure both internal school curricula and their teaching in accordance with occupational action situations. The research project TUD-Sylber-BBS Sub-project 4, which forms part of the BMBF-funded “Campaign for quality in teacher training”, has been exploring occupational action situations and identifying core professional tasks in order to provide an empirical basis for situation-related teaching. This article describes the approach taken by the project and presents selected results. It concludes by discussing didactic implications.