BWP 1/2018

Continuing education

Coverbild: BWP 1/2018

Lifelong learning is considered to be a key prerequisite for keeping pace with the shift that is taking place in the economy and in society and for taking an active part in helping to shape change. Continuing education is continuing to grow in significance in the wake of technological innovations, alterations to employee structures and the shortage of skilled workers. What sorts of provision and forms of learning are required in order to overcome these challenges? The articles in this issue of BWP address both these and other issues.


Vocational education and training in figures

Jonathan Zorner

Is continuing education the way forward? Benefits of continuing education for employees in full-time and part-time work

Special Focus

Bernd Käpplinger

Time for continuing education and continuing education that is in tune with the times

Impetuses for academic research and practice

Corinna Kleinert; Oliver Wölfel

Technological change and continuing education participation

Susanne Umbach; Hanna Böving; Erik Haberzeth

Competence shifts and human action qualities in the digitalisation process

Results from company case studies in the retail and logistics sectors and consequences for continuing education

Stefan Sauer; Judith Neumer; Jost Buschmeyer

How knowledge-intensive tasks can promote learning

New challenges and perspectives

Stefan Koscheck; David Samray

Strategies for the training of persons who have become distanced from education from a provider point of view

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Halit Öztürk

Migration means diversity – a plea for differentiated consideration of the continuing education behaviour exhibited by adults from a migrant background

Stefan Berwing

Continuing education at companies owned by migrants

Matthias Rohs; Gesa Heinbach; Arash Tolou Ghanian Sabour

Creating continuing education that is aligned towards needs at institutes of higher education

The »Higher Education Regional Monitor« supports the identification of regional requirements

Other Themes

Angela Fogolin

Structural data on distance learning/distance education – new BIBB statistics

Brigitte Bosche; Marlis Schneider; Anne Strauch

Teaching competences in adult education and continuing education

Assessment procedures and possibilities for using the PortfolioPlus instrument to provide recognition


Marlies Dorsch-Schweizer

A new concept for advanced training in the construction sector

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The Board of BIBB

Thomas Vollmer

Report on the Board Meeting 3/2017 held in Bonn on 13 December 2017