BWP 6/2017

Recognition of competencies

Coverbild: BWP 6/2017

Binding regulations for the validation of competencies acquired by non-formal and informal means are a central component of a permeable educational system. Even though such regulations enjoy political support, implementation is, however, hesitant. In light of the EU Council Recommendation to introduce relevant provisions by 2018 at the latest, this issue of BWP assesses the current status of development, presents some of the approaches adopted and also takes a look at what is happening in neighbouring European countries.


Vocational education and training in figures

Jessica Erbe

Skills analysis as a route to recognition

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Special Focus

Ernesto Villalba-Garcia

Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Europe

Results from the 2016 European inventory

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Katrin Gutschow; Julia Jörgens

Recognising competencies: experts consider scenarios for Germany

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Andreas Oehme; Kathrin Tews; Daike Witt

»ValiKom« – an educational system compliant approach towards qualifications-related validation and the recognition of occupational competencies

Stefan Ekert; Ricarda Knöller; Kathrin Raven

Does recognition of foreign professional and vocational qualifications also improve labour market opportunities in non-regulated occupations?

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Validation of occupational competencies – what are the experiences of the chambers?

Interview with Johanna Reutter from the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts and Trades and Jörg Engelmann from the Munich and Upper Bavaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Peter Schlögl

Creation of a strategic framework for the validation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes

Interim conclusions from Austria

Uwe Elsholz; Rolf R. Rehbold; Claudia Zaviska

Formalisation of competencies acquired by informal and non-formal means

Individual career pathways at level 5 of the German Qualifications Framework

Carolin Böse; Agnes Dietzen

Competence assessment and recognition in the company

The significance of competence management from the point of view of psychological contractual relations

Karl-Heinz Gerholz

Making competencies acquired via voluntary work visible to companies

Results of the EU project DesTeVa

Edith Zitz

When qualifications travel

The “Anerkannt!” project is a motivating force which provides information on recognition culture

Other Themes

Silvia Annen

Usability of foreign qualifications and skills on the Canadian labour market

Analysis of income effects on the basis of PIAAC data

Susanne Grimm; Bodo Rödel

Open Educational Resources (OER) in vocational education and training


Markus Bretschneider; Johanna Telieps

Acquisition of evidence of expertise via vocational education and training