BWP 4/2019

Values in vocational education and training

Coverbild: BWP 4/2019

In a society that is characterised by rapid acceleration and technological change, debate about values is becoming increasingly important. What role do values-based and socially responsible behaviour play in business and the world of work? And how can values be integrated into VET? These articles consider these questions conceptually and provide insights into practical education work. In this edition, you can find numerous proposals for combining values orientation and the teaching of skills in VET.


Vocational education and training in figures

Christian Ebner; Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt

Marked contrasts in the prestige of dual vocational training occupations in Germany

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Special Focus

Thomas Retzmann

The honest merchant in times of modern business and corporate ethics

Didactics for moral vocational education in business and administration

Karin Heinrichs; Christian Schadt; Alfred Weinberger

Moral decisions in professional contexts

Empirical findings and perspectives for vocational education and training

Karl-Heinz Gerholz; Jörg Neubauer; Pankraz Männlein

Sensitising aspiring specialists to civil-society values

Service learning in vocational education and training

Mareike Kholin

Changing work values

Information for operational practice

Harald Hantke; Jan Pranger

Developing and communicating sustainability values

Teaching modules on corporate social responsibility in the transport and logistics field

Julia Kastrup; Marie Nölle-Krug

Values in teacher training

Building blocks for reflection and lesson design taking as an example inclusion and individual support

Vocational schools for democracy and diversity

Interview with MICHAEL HAMMERBACHER, head of the Association for Democracy and Diversity in Schools and Vocational Education

Other Themes

Tim Peeters; Didier Fouarge; Jessie Bakens

Informing youngsters and employers about labour market prospects

Conception and use of the Dutch Labour Market Information System (AIS)

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Regina Dionisius; Amelie Illiger

Dual role of the transitional sector in the integration of refugees

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Norbert Lachmayr; Judith Proinger

Transversal key competences in school-based VET in Austria

Current status and fields of development

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Eva Hanau; Seung-Hwan Jeon; Han-Byul Lee

Approaches to dual VET in tertiary education in South Korea

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Barbara Lorig; Andreas Stöhr

Office management training: initial evaluation results and unresolved questions

Adrian Roeske; Sabrina Frohn

Further training by app – mobile learning for professional drivers

The Board of BIBB

Thomas Vollmer

Report on meeting 2/2019 of the Board on 27 June 2019 in Bonn