Vocational learning occurs in various places. Regional or higher education sector stakeholders may be involved alongside traditional learning venues such as schools, companies and inter-company training centres. Digital learning is also increasing. This offers new potential for cooperation between learning venues but creates challenges too. New concepts and forms of cooperation need to be established in order to continue raising the profile of vocational learning. BWP offers thought-provoking ideas and presents examples of good practice in this regard.
The intertwining of theory and practice is a key characteristic of multi-venue vocational learning. This interplay is changing, not least as a result of digitalisation. Which opportunities and challenges are associated with this process from a didactic and institutional point of view? Professor Matthias Rohs, who holds a Chair of Adult Education at the TU Kaiserslautern, does not only look at learning venues in vocational education and training from an academic research perspective. He is also highly familiar with implementation issues relating to this topic thanks to his involvement in numerous development and consultancy projects and particularly because of his previous work in human resources development at Deutsche Telekom.
Learning venues and the cooperation between them are of fundamental significance to VET and are enshrined in law in the Vocational Training Act. They are a unit and have a reciprocal relationship. Learning venues and the cooperation between them have, however, been an object of controversial debate since their introduction as specialist terms. They are implemented variously in practice and categorised differently in theory. An elemental change is also occurring in the wake of organisations being restructured, digitalisation, and the expansion of informal continuing training. Learning venues are pluralising as well as differentiating and delimiting themselves. Conventional cooperation arrangements between learning venues are consequently becoming more extensive. This article traces these developments and concludes by indicating the significance of the learning venue concept for a permeable education and training system.
Over recent years, many companies have reduced their commitment to training or even ceased to provide training altogether. This is due to changed conditions within companies and on the training market. At the same time, there is high demand for well-trained skilled workers. Concepts are thus required which will enable companies to continue participation in training despite the altered general conditions. Company training cooperation agreements are also discussed within this context. The article uses a company survey to present the areas of training in which companies currently cooperate.
Cooperation between learning venues is a key characteristic stipulated in § 2 of the Vocational Training Act. The interlinking of theory and practice that cooperation of this kind facilitates is seen as the German VET system’s mark of quality. In day-to-day business, however, it is often unused and may even meet with rejection. If cooperation is considered in an expanded way, this model reveals whole new areas of potential for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking to cope with the digital shift. This article uses the JOBSTARTER plus project “KungFu – Plastic goes Future” to illustrate how expanded cooperation between learning venues can be shaped to support SMEs in the digitalisation process.
While the shift happening in the economy and in society is changing how we live and work, it also has an impact on learning contents and how these are imparted in VET. 17 innovation projects are set to be launched before the end of the year as part of BMBF’s InnoVET programme, and it will be highly interesting to see which new impetuses are produced for initial and continuing training and in particular for cooperation between learning venues and the networking of education and training stakeholders. This article provides insights into the objectives and structure of the funding programme and states the main funding focuses.
The revision of the nursing professions is enabling the creation of new permeability, thus opening up fresh structural opportunities for VET stakeholders. The focus is on combining formerly separate structures. Cooperation within an association is necessary to successfully implement general nursing training. This article uses a specific example to show how the interests of all parties can be considered.
At regional level, VET is incorporated into the overall provision of education measures. Various educational establishments operate locally to deliver this totality of education services, including providers of initial and continuing VET. From a local government perspective, this is the object of communal education management which aims to serve every facet of civic society’s educational interest. A federal programme entitled “Local Learning”, and its continuation in the “Local Government Education Management Transfer Initiative”, shows how local government education management can be structured and how it can be further developed via transfer support. We will illustrate the experiences and results that have emerged from these programmes and map out the consequences for VET.
New technologies can support innovative pathways for cooperation between learning venues in VET. The “Online report book to strengthen cooperation between learning venues” (BLok) is a further development of the paper-based report book which represents just such an approach. But how are these innovative concepts received in practice? This article uses structural data to provide initial insights into the use and dissemination of this tool.
From research and practice
Ermioni Athanasiadi; Teresa Schare; Joachim Gerd Ulrich
A further vocational orientation tool is being established in Germany: trainees visit schools and talk to pupils about their occupations. This article presents the concept and uses the theory of impression management and self-to-prototype matching to explain the particular areas of potential it offers. The verdict is that training ambassador visits do not merely embrace the function of transmitting authentic information about an occupation. They also do a great deal to provide pupils with important indications from an identity psychology perspective. A clear and visual demonstration is offered as to what kinds of young people aspire to become plumbers, bakers, or management assistants in e-commerce. The article concludes by referring to a study which aims to investigate this approach in greater detail.
Staff from youth welfare services, job centres and employment agencies all work together under the same roof at youth employment agencies. They operate collectively to provide single-source support to young people seeking guidance. Successful examples of this model are usually seen in major cities. This article illustrates how this type of cooperation across legal entities can also be effectively established across an entire state. It presents the latest status of implementation and the conditions necessary for success. It is important for structural developments to take place in a regionalised way. This means that local institutions must be integrated and due consideration must be accorded to specific regional circumstances.
Intermediate and final examinations represent a major commitment for candidates, but examination board members must also devote considerable time to conducting them. This means that firms then need to release staff from their normal tasks. This article highlights the extent to which this happens and provides a breakdown of the firms making the greatest contribution in this regard. It also includes an estimate of costs incurred.
Sabine Krüger; Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt; Christian Ebner
Numbers of entrants to the dual system of vocational education and training are falling, especially among women. Against the background of gender-specific developments in educational behaviour, this article uses recent research data from BIBB to investigate the level of esteem which various educational qualifications currently enjoy amongst the population. The results show that men and women arrive at different assessments in some cases, including with regard to the reputation of VET.
In the lead-up to a possible re-regulation, an investigation was conducted into the current and future skills requirements of qualified dental employees and the extent to which existing training regulations are able to map these needs. This article presents the most important findings and describes two qualifications requirements which should be imparted more intensely.
The banking sector is in a transitional phase. Digital customer relationships and tools are gaining in significance, and online services are in greater demand than ever, including and especially in times of “social distancing”. Under such circumstances, the importance of structuring customer relations in a sustainable way is particularly increasing, hence why modernisation of the training occupation of bank clerk came at the right time.
This was the first BIBB Board Meeting to be held virtually via video conference in the institute’s 50-year history. It was chaired by the Employer Representative Dr. Hans Jürgen Metternich. In light of the current situation, the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the VET system were considered. A new recommendation on permeability between vocational and higher education and updated recommendations on the “Keeping of training records” and on a “Sample certificate for all recognised advanced training regulations” were also adopted.