BWP 5/2018

Support through programmes

Coverbild: BWP 5/2018

Programme support plays an important role in the vocational education and training system. It can drive forward innovations, help the system to resolve societal challenges, and highlight areas where further action is needed. This issue of BWP attempts to shed light on these various facets on the basis of selected examples. One aspect in this regard comprises the questions of how programmes come about, who they are instigated by and who the providers are. A second focus centres on the issues of how the success of programmes can be made measurable and how effective transfer to academic research, policy and practice can take place. Although the main emphasis is on Federal Government programmes, interfaces to federal state programmes will also be taken into account.


Vocational education and training in figures

Frank Neises; Heike Zinnen

Target groups and main support focuses of programmes in the action area of training

Special Focus

Ursula Bylinski

“Giving everyone a chance” – support for disadvantaged young people develops from a pilot project to mainstream support

Guido Kirst; Carolin Kunert

Structuring and standardisation of vocational orientation

Evaluation-based design of a central action area for vocational education and training

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Karin Büchter

Programme support as a political strategy – critical questions regarding objectives and effectiveness

Martin Pfeifer; Christiane Köhlmann-Eckel

Durable yet flexible – the different focuses of funding support provided to inter-company vocational training centres

Barbara Hemkes; Christian Vogel; Claudia Zaviska

Detecting innovations in continuing vocational training

Findings from the BMBF main funding focus “InnovatWB”

Matthias Kohl; Sabrina Lorenz

Supporting and monitoring transformation processes at vocational training centres for the disabled

Impetuses from the BMAS PAUA project

Katharina Kanschat; Wolfgang Müller-Tamke

Vocational education and training – a perspective after dropping out of higher education study

Findings from the JOBSTARTER plus programme

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Astrid Steuerwald; Michael Härtel

From development – to piloting – to practice

A transfer campaign for the implementation of digital media concepts

Other Themes

Oliver Lauxen; Jasmin Werle

Second chance training for employees at companies

How companies can be better supported

Carmela Aprea; Antje Barabasch; Viviana Sappa

Bouncing Back From Adversity: A Swiss Study on Teacher Resilience in Vocational Education and Training

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Vu Xuan Hung

Connecting VET institutes with enterprises – Experience after the reform of the Vietnamese VET law

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Wolfgang Vogel; Christina Mersch; Christopher Meier

Quality assurance in the automated evaluation of chamber of commerce and industry examinations

Hannelore Mottweiler

Is vocational education and training becoming obsolete?

Current findings on trends towards academisation in selected areas of commercial training