Further development of the vocational school and securing dual training on a broad footing

The Vocational School 2020 pilot project in Rhineland Palatinate

Coverbild: BWP 3/2017
Issue/Year (Volume) 3/2017 (46)
Page(s) 28-31

A pilot project has been launched in Rhineland Palatinate with the aim of securing dual vocational education and training across a broad basis and further developing vocational schools in order for this objective to be met. The article describes the existing problem situation and goes on to outline the action areas undertaken in the pilot project. The core process in this regard is action area three, in which nine schools are trialling routes for further development. The initial approach being adopted is explained by using one vocational school as an example. The article concludes by sketching out the challenges that will need to be taken into account for transfer to all vocational schools in the federal state.