Making sure no one is left behind – combining all competences

Support provision offered by the Hamburg Youth Employment Agency at the transition from school to work

Coverbild: BWP 3/2017
Issue/Year (Volume) 3/2017 (46)
Page(s) 19-23

Work and employment are of central significance to the societal integration and participation of young people. This makes a smooth transition from school to vocational education and training or to higher education study even more important. The goal of the Hamburg [Jugendberufsagentur] (JBA) Youth Employment Agency is to ensure that no one is left behind along the route into training, work and employment. It was formed as long ago as 2012, a year before this basic objective was enshrined in the Federal Government Coalition Agreement. This article makes it clear that the focus needs to go beyond combining the services provided with different legal spheres. Political will, conceptual reforms and a pedagogical concept will all be required in order to resolve the future task of securing transition from school to work. The article outlines the fundamental approach adopted within the Hamburg “one-stop shop” concept and presents the initial results of its evaluation.