BWP Special Edition 2011

Trends in German VET 2011/2012

The articles compiled in this special edition, all of which were published in BWP in recent months, offer an overview of current trends and developments within the German system of vocational education and training, with a particular focus on questions of skills shortage, permeability and monitoring VET. By making them available in English, we wish to foster the exchange of ideas and experiences about VET on an international level in order to give new impulses for the discussion and development of vocational education and training.


Securing Skills for the future

Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt; Michael Tiemann

(Mis-)matching in Germany

An analysis on the basis of employee's formal qualifications and skills

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Peter Bott; Robert Helmrich

MINT occupations - claims of a skills shortage are often overstated

Analyses from the first BIBB-IAB Qualification and Major Occupational Field Projection

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Margit Ebbinghaus

Different routes - one goal: how companies recruit apprentices

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Anke Bahl; Agnes Dietzen; Marlies Dorsch-Schweizer

Diversity instead of competition and displacement

Diversification of in-company vocational education as a strategy for securing the skilled workforce

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Towards permeability: Opening pathways to education and training

Peter Thiele

Systemic interlinking of school, transition system and training

An interview with Peter Thiele on the BMBF initiative "Chains of educational progression through to initial vocational qualification"

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Reinhold Weiß

Parity between advanced training qualifications and university degrees: ultimately the labour market decides

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Franziska Kupfer; Andrea Stertz

Dual courses of study - the supply and demand situation

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Karlheinz Müller; Harald Schenk

Systematising career progression

Advanced and continuing training in the electrical sector

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Katrin Gutschow; Sabine Seidel

Can the German Qualifications Framework contribute to the recognition of non-formal and informal learning?

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Monitoring the VET system

Elisabeth M. Krekel; Michael Friedrich

Measuring the world of (vocational) education - the Report on Vocational Education and Training and the BIBB Data Report

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Tobias Maier; Ralf Dorau

Chances of fully fledged employment after a dual-system apprenticeship

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Felix Wenzelmann; Gudrun Schönfeld

Recruitment of skilled workers in companies that do not provide initial vocational training and measures to encourage more of them to do so

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Holger Alda

Improved access to research data in the field of vocatonial education and training

BIBB's Research Data Centre

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