Vocational education and training 2020
Consequences for continuing development of the recognised-occupation model
BWP citation style
Esser, F., Bittner-Kelber, J., Giessler, T., Hartwich, E., Scheffler, B., Sondermann, T.; Spöttl, G.: Vocational education and training 2020. Consequences for continuing development of the recognised-occupation model. In: BWP 42 (2013) SE, S. 4-8. URL: https://www.bwp-zeitschrift.de/dienst/publikationen/en/7051
APA citation style
Esser, F., Bittner-Kelber, J., Giessler, T., Hartwich, E., Scheffler, B., Sondermann, T. & Spöttl, G. (2013). Vocational education and training 2020: Consequences for continuing development of the recognised-occupation model. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag