Examiner delegations and the new regulation permitting an examination to be conducted by two examiners – use and benefits of the system from the point of view of practice
An outline of the evaluation of new regulations in the area of examinations
Further information
BWP citation style
Lorig, B.; Krüger, S.: Examiner delegations and the new regulation permitting an examination to be conducted by two examiners – use and benefits of the system from the point of view of practice. An outline of the evaluation of new regulations in the area of examinations. In: BWP 52 (2023) 3, S. 31-32. URL: https://www.bwp-zeitschrift.de/dienst/publikationen/en/19152
APA citation style
BIBB, B. (Hrsg.) (2023). Examiner delegations and the new regulation permitting an examination to be conducted by two examiners – use and benefits of the system from the point of view of practice: An outline of the evaluation of new regulations in the area of examinations. Bonn: Franz Steiner Verlag