Digital learning: Are we really exploiting the opportunities?

Reflections on technology integration in vocational education and training

Coverbild: Digital learning: Are we really exploiting the opportunities?
Issue/Year (Volume) 2/2022 (51)
Page(s) 8-12

Technology integration is an increasing imperative for education, something which the coronavirus pandemic has boosted even further. When it comes to (dual) vocational education (VET), the question is to what extent we are really exploiting the instructional potential of technologies to support teaching and learning processes. The present paper comments on the results of a 16-year research project and starts from the assumption that we need a strong pedagogy first, not necessarily the most cutting-edge technology. Based on this, we briefly introduce the “Erfahrraum”, a VET-specific pedagogical model for technology integration conceived to better articulate learning across learning locations. We illustrate its effectiveness for learning and connectivity among the VET stakeholders by means of an example. Finally, we discuss these results through two summarizing labels – visual-based reflection and collaboration.

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