Enshrining sustainability in training regulations

The example of “housekeeper”

Coverbild: BWP 2/2020
Issue/Year (Volume) 2/2020 (49)
Page(s) 54-55

The topic of sustainability in regulatory instruments continues to gain significance in the wake of the shifts in ecological balances and social disadvantages that have developed as a result of the actions of mankind. A systematic approach aimed at identifying sustainability in occupationally specific terms has, however, been absent thus far. A topic and competence grid aimed at rendering relevant aspects of sustainability visible has been developed and piloted within the scope of the BMBF’s main funding focus “Vocational education and training for sustainable development” (Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, BBNE). The modernisation of the training occupation of housekeeper is used as an example to outline how this grid can be deployed.