Detecting innovations in continuing vocational training

Findings from the BMBF main funding focus “InnovatWB”

Coverbild: BWP 5/2018
Ausgabe/Jahr (Jahrgang) 5/2018 (47)
Seite(n) 25-29

34 projects are being supported within the scope of the BMBF main funding focus “Innovative approaches to future-oriented continuing vocational training” (InnovatWB) in order to explore contemporary concepts in this area. However, what is the contribution that can be made in this regard by a programme or main funding focus? How can innovative approaches be detected and described within the scope of a support programme, and how can they be rendered usable for training practice, research and policy? The article explores these questions on the basis of evaluation research on InnovatWB conducted at BIBB and sets the relevant issues out in specific terms by using the example of dialogue-oriented development of performance and provision, one of the central results to emerge from the main funding focus.